Gun Maker’s Library
Click on any of the following titles or names to view the book or catalog.

Die Waffenindustrie in Suhl, Ihre Entwicklung und Lage-Paul Rotschky 1933
Moderne Scheibenwaffen- Otto Maretsch, 1911
100 Jahre Beschußamt Suhl (100 years of the Suhl Proof House)

Die Machine Gewehrfabrikation by Ing. Albert Sell

Jagdwaffenkunde-Georg Koch-1899
Leitfaden der Waffenlehre 1917
Technologie und Gewehrkunde 1923
100 Jahr Wolf Jagdwaffen 1908-1998-A. W. Wolf, Suhl
As a referance tool, Gun Makers Catalogs are valuable and informative. The following Catalogs have been generously scanned and sent to to us by several fellow collectors, among them, Fredrik Franzin and Axel Pantermühl. Also many came from the estate and archives of Dietrich Apel who founded the German Gun Collectors Association in 1998 and later started this web site. Dietrich inherited many of his old books and Catalogs from his grandfather Franz Jäger through his uncle-Kurt Jäger. I thank each and every collector who takes his or her time to add to this data base.

J. G. Anschutz 1937 Catalog nr. 32 & Net Price List
1937 BSW (Berlin-Suhler Waffen) Catalog & Price List
Eduard Bogdonovich (Ed Bogo)-St. Petersburg, 1909

Greifelt & Co. circa 1915-1925
Greifelt & Co. circa 1925-1935

Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-19942 Greif Bock Gewehre

Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-1942 Greif Drilling
Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-1942 Kipplauf, Bolt Action & Single Shot Rifles
Fred’k W. Hollender-New York, Schuler Import

Franz Jäger Heroldbüchse & Repeaterbüchse

1953 Albrecht Kind-Hunstig Workshop Catalog
1953 Albrecht Kind-Hunstig #1 Intro & Waffen
1953 Albrecht Kind-Hunstig #2 Munitions & Optics
1953 Albrecht Kind-Hunstig #3 Tourist & Hound Articles
A. Kleszczewski (Click following)

Lancaster Arms Co., Infallible Single Trigger
Mauser/H. Tauscher, circa 1913

Imman. Meffert-Suhl “Hubertus” Leichtmetallgewehre “Dural” 1938
Bernhard Merkel, Gewehr-Fabrik, Suhl
Geb. Merkel in French circa 1926

1982 Merkel Over and Under Guns
Wenzel Morgenstern & Sohn-Weipert

Albert Stobbe-Suhl 1905
Szecsei & Fuchs- Innsbruck, Austria & Windsor, Ontario, Canada
VEB-Ernst Thälmann Werk-Suhl, 1955
E. A. Theate & Co.-Liege, Belgium,
1912 G. Teschner & Co.-Frankfurt A. O.
G. Teschner & Co. / Collath-Frankfurt A. O.
Waffen-Weiss (Paul Weiss) Akah 1957

Carl Walther-Ulm, Donau & Erma
The German Gun Collectors Association has 25 different Gun Catalog reprints available for purchase. Click HERE to visit their site to view what they have to offer.