E. A. Theate & Co.-Belgium, Aug. Ahrendts-Hamburg, import & export

The web site -littlegun.be gives us the following information about the firm- E. A. Theate & Co.
The firm was founded in 1862 by Leon Lambin.
In 1877 the firm became Lambin-Theate
In 1886 it became Lambin & Theate on Trappe St. , Liege
In 1894 it became Theate T & Co.
In 1907 it became Theate Frères run by Ernst & Adolphe Theate.
In 1950 to 1965 the firm was identified as E. A. Theate & Co.
In 1965 the firm became Raick Frères SPRL
Recently I was given 7 sheets of E. A. Theate Frères and E. A. Theate & Co. advertising which originated from the August Ahrendts Import-Export Handelgesellschaft m.b.H. on Cranachstrasse 35, Hamburg-Grossflottbek. Normally I would not feature Belgian products on this web site but the fact that this companies products were imported into Germany by the August Ahrendts firm makes them of interest to us. The August Ahrendts firm in Hamburg is still in business.
Four of the sheets are oversize-measuring 17 x 20 inches and being printed on delicate onionskin paper which could not be scanned in their entirety. Therefor they were scanned on a flat bed scanner in four sections. These sheets date from the 1907 to 1965 time period.