D.R.G.M.’s or Deutsches Reichs Gebrauchs-Muster (German utility or design patents 1891-1945)
By Larry B. Schuknecht
From the very beginning in 1877 the German Patent Office offered only the Deutsches Reichs Patents but starting in 1891 two distinctly different forms of protection was offered to inventors. Records were kept of the D. R. P.’s or Deutsches Reichs Patents which we have available for reference from the German web site http://depatisnet.dpma.de. The D. R. G. M.’s or Deutsches Reichs Gebrauches Muster records were not kept and to my knowledge the only material available on them are what can be found in the old gun makers periodicals of the time. Each issue of the old periodicals often carried lists of the D.R.P.’s and D.R.G.M.’s which were applied for and issued but these often only contained the number, inventor and title. An example is the D.R.G.M. no. 351857 issued to Hilmar Stötzer as seen below.

Sometimes a D. R. G.M. was considered important enough (or the inventor was willing to pay) to get additional exposure in the old periodicals with an article detailing the invention and drawings which illustrated the features.
This page starts out with a series of D.R.G.M.’s from 1892, the first of which covered a target pistol by Georg Scharfenberg of Mehlis. By 1898 the focus of the coverage changed to that of Drillings. As other articles about D.R.G.M.’s are found, they will be added. I will include all D.R.G.M.’s that are firearms related that are covered in depth. They appear in the order that they were published, not as they were issued.
The D.R.G.M.’s on this page are-
No number-George Sharfenberg-Mehlis-Precision Target Pistol
17461-Peter Oberhammer-Munich-Projectile
20792- George Scharfenberg-Mehlis-Lock up for Kipplauf pistol
20862-David König’s Sohne-Mehlis-Self cocking Hammerless Kipplauf gun
21542-Carl Fleischer-Mehlis-Tesching Revolver
22008-Fr. Wilh. Kessler-Suhl-Self Cocking Hammerless Drilling
47162-Robert Albrecht-Suhl-Hammerless Falling Block Action
32199-Theime & Schlegelmilch-Suhl-Drilling Barrel Assembly
24983-Robert Albrecht-Suhl-Self Cocking Gun
326160-J. G. Anschutz-Mehlis-Rifle Action Hammer
71381-Imm. Meffert-Suhl-Self Cocking Hammerless Drilling
90036-Ernst Kerner-Suhl-Drilling Hammer & Trigger Assembly
77479-Greifelt & Co.- Suhl-Drilling Action & Safety
89712-Gebr. Luck-Suhl-Drilling Action & Locks
91730-Fr. Wilh. Kessler-Suhl-Drilling Action & Locks
92919-Fr. Zschocke-Suhl-Self Cocking Action
93237-Gebr. Luck-Suhl-Hammerless Drilling Action
94880-Fr. Wilh. Kessler-Suhl–Hammerless Lock
91730-Gebr. Rempt-Suhl-drilling Action
93735-Robert Schrader-Suhl-Drilling Barrels
95217-Emil Eckold-Suhl-Drilling Action
97555- E. Munch-Frankfurt n. O.- Drilling Lock
32617- Heinrich Langenhan- Mehlis- Hammerless Action
36653- Max Hermdorff-Mehlis- Hammer activated Lock Up
36655- Robert Albrecht-Suhl- Automatic rear sight for Drillings
55643- Ernst König-Zella St. Bl.- Drilling
55210- Ignaz Dornach- Weiler, Bayern- Bullet Seater
48384- Feliz Arnd- Berlin- Drilling Lockup
45592- Franz Luck- Suhl- Self Cocking Drilling
56863- Greifelt & Co.- Suhl- Drilling Safety
56533- Oscar Will-Zella St. Blasii- Air Rifle
59714- Aug.Schuler- Suhl & Paul Reuss-Stuttgart- Drilling
58624 & 61259- Fr. Zschocke-Suhl- Safety for Self Cocking Double Barrel
66514- Fr. Wilh. Heym- Suhl- Drilling Safety
66149-Ludwig & Hugo Catterfeld- Mehlis- Cartridge Extractor
66150- Emil Barthelmes- Zella St. Blasii- Drilling rear sight mechanism
71627- Fr. Zschocke- Suhl- Drilling ejector mechanism
70326- Ernst Friedrich Büchel- Mehlis- Safety mechanism
73950- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Hammerless Drilling
77902- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Drilling rifle extractor
76448- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Shotgun choke
81761- Heinrich Bader- Mehlis- Hirschfanger and Revolver combination
85935- Emil Barthelmes- Zella St. Blasii- Martini action firing pin
92635- Ernst Fr. Büchel- Mehlis- Falling block action
105852- Franz Luck- Suhl- Lock mechanism enclosed in Breech Block
101233- Ernst Friedrich Büchel- Mehlis- Drilling cocking mechanism
108231- Fr. Wilh. Kessler- Suhl- Falling block action
108340- Franz Luck- Suhl- Lock mechanism
112001- Robert Schadt- Braunschweig- Drilling front sight
82682- E. v. Lettow- Danzig- Single Shot Action
84781- E. v. Lettoe- Danzig- Spirit level attachment
122807- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Rear sight mechanism for Drillings
122341- Fritz Zschocke- Suhl- Drilling rifle selector mechanism
125046- Ernst Friedrich Büchel- Mehlis- Self cocking firing mechanism
113326- R. Bornmuller & Co.- Suhl- Self cocking Drilling Model 1900
141265- Albrecht Kind- Huntstig- Hand Loading Tool
141265- Albert Preuss- Charlottenberg- Hand Loading Tool (see above)
137925- Ewald Blumhagen- Friedland- Handgun
130306- R. Bornmüller & Co.- Suhl- Hand loading tool
150760- Greifelt & Co.- Suhl- Single Trigger
153433-Paul Reuss- Stuttgart- Action
127903- Ludwig Catterfeldt- Mehlis- Zimmerstutzen Action
153090- Albrecht Kind- Hunstig- Cartridge magazine in butt stock
175267- Heinrich Moritz- Zella St. Blasii- Zimmerstutzen action
149175- Albrecht Kind- Hunstig- Moving rabbet target
194783- Karl Triebel- Suhl- Drilling single trigger
201258- F. W. Kessler- Suhl- Drilling safety
210519- Ernst Friedrich Büchel- Mehlis- self cocking hammerless action
212512- Christoph Funk- Suhl- Safety
209989- Herm. Burgsmüller- Kreisen- Barrel & Receiver lock up
225826- Greifelt & Co.- Suhl- Drilling Safety
217361- F. W. Kessler- Suhl- Martini Receiver cut out
220286- Ernst Friedr. Büchel- Breech block with fast hammer lock
240378- F. W. Kessler- Suhl- Lock mechanism
240435- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Drilling extractor
236689- Imman. Meffert- Suhl- Drilling selector mechanism
248098- Valentin Kern- Nürnberg- Safety
No number- A. Stricker- Berlin- Adjustable cheek piece
251676- Greifelt & Co.- Suhl- Extractor mechanism
249766- I. C. Stahl- Hamburg- Muzzle band with front sight
254863- Ernst Friedrich Büchel- Mehlis- Self cocking target pistol
26094- Hugo Martschin- Berlin- SxS front sight and base
No number- Albrecht Kind- Hunstig- Hand loading tool
292058- G. Teschner & Co.- Frankfurt a. O.- Safety
292965- Imman. Meffert- Suhl- Drilling Safety
292016- G. Teschner & Co.- Frankfurt a.O.- Self cocking action
297111- Karl König Ferd. Sohn- Mehlis- Handgun barrel mount to receiver
296912- centralstelle für wissenschaftlich technische Untersuchungen, G. m. b. H. -Neubabelsberg- Cartridge head & primer
295297- O. Geyger & Co.- Berlin- Scope
284955- Hugo Menz- Suhl- Try Gun
315704/5- O. A. Schilling- Stettin- Target pistol action
No number- Albrecht Kind- Hunstig- Rear sight Diopter
No number- Albrecht Kind- Hunstig- hand loading tool
397816- Joh. Heinr. Blum- Zella St. Blasii- Hand Loading Tool
134771- Gustav schneider-Zella St. Blasii- Shotgun sight