Austrian Makers- Unknown or Misc.
The following images are © Joh. Springer’s Erben Handels GmbH, Wien and are courtesy of the Auction House-
Below: a 16 ga. SxS shotgun made by Mathias Muckenhuber of Vienna, sold by Joh. Springer’s Erben in their 34th Auction, lot no. 2302.
Below: a SxS Percussion Combination 11.5 mm & 20 ga. Shotgun made by F. Wiggenhauser in Constanz, Lot no. 2300.
Below are images of two unidentified percussion shotguns sold in the same Joh. Springer’s Erben Auction no. 35.
Below- Unidentified 12 Ga. Lot no. 2304
Below- Unidentified 14 Ga. Lot no. 2303
Below- A 16 ga. Pin Fire shotgun marked J. PH. Faass, Joh. Springer’s Erben Auction no. 34, Lot no. 2309
The following information was kindly sent to me by Mr. Peter Neij of Småland, Sweden.
Franz Spurny- Büchsenmacher, took over Josef Heinige’s establishment in 1902. For a while he traded under the name Josef Heinige’s Nachfolger Franz Spurny.
Above: The Advertisement from 1904
By 1905 he had ditched the Nachfolger from the ad and from then on it was simply Franz Spurny-Büchsenmacher. In 1913 he became / was appointed K. K. Handelsgerichtliche beeideter Schätzmeister und Sachverständiger. In 1919 he seems to have been out of business but was still Handelsgerichtlige beeideter Schätzmeister und Sachverständiger, the only differance now (as there was no longer the entity- Austria-Hungary) being the lack of imperial and royal in front of the title.
On April 20, 1921 he entered into the business Karl Barth Co., Wien. (see the Advertisement below from the Vienna Commercial Register).
By 1924 there was no longer a Franz Spurny- Gunsmith in Vienna and by 1925 the Co. had disappeared from the Karl Barth business.