The material in this website was collected over many years and came from many different sources.
We make it available free of charge to all those who like German hunting guns and their makers and want to know more about them.
Contributors that are known to us are being recognized under the heading of Reference Material.
Objections will be given serious and honest consideration.
We do our best to edit this information, but we can not guarantee that it is accurate and of value.
We welcome additional information and will use it in the website to the best of our abilities and as it fits into the envisioned scope of the website.
Our sincere thanks go to all those who helped with material for this website.
We will welcome all those who want to become actively involved in this effort.

If your sound is turned on you are hearing a sample of Hunting Horn music. This is a track from the German Hunting CD “Die Suhler Jagdhornblaser”

 To hear more tracks and find information about the artists, please click HERE

What’s new this month- 


The “Gun Makers Books & Catalogs” under the About the Makers tab is now a tab titled Gunmakers Library


A grade 60 J. P. Sauer & Sohn sold by Schoverling, Daly & Gales, photo courtesy of the master engraver Mr. Hendrik Frühauf of Germany

9_ B_Merkel

A Double Rifle made by Bernhard Merkel in Suhl

  July 30, 2023, I am pleased to announce that Dr. Karsten Eden will be joining me as a co host for the web site and I am sure he will be introducing many new things to the web site when his time permits.   

  This site is edited and funded by Larry B. Schuknecht, Proprietor of Dutchman Wood Works in Clarence Center, N.Y. I may be reached by email at or by phone at (716) 741-3739. At Dutchman Wood Works I specialize in fine custom wood and metal work and the repair and restoration of collectible long guns. I also have a Ebook on CD titled “The Jäger Gun Makers” for sale which tells the life stories of Gustav Kersten, his son Curt Kersten, the four brothers-Karl,Franz,Paul and Reinhold Jäger, Franz Jäger’s sons-Paul Jaeger, Kurt Jäger and Franz Jäger’s grandson Dietrich Apel. It also covers their Patents, products and Catalogs. There is also chapters on the Willig family of engravers and “Notes on the Weisbaden Rod & Gun Club”. In total it contains 29 chapters with family trees for the Jäger and Kersten families and three files of original material never before made public. It comprises 685 pages with 897 images all in PDF Format. The price is $30.00 plus $12.00 mailing and handling. It is available for immediate purchase by contacting me directly and sending a payment by Paypal to my email address- or mail a check for $42.00 to Larry B. Schuknecht, 7750 Salt Rd., Clarence Center, N.Y. 14032 for orders within the U.S. or contact me for foreign orders. Click Here to see more or read a review by Dietrich’s good friend John Neumann.

A proud charter member of the German Gun Collectors Association. Click Here to go to their web site to learn more.