The following images show a 16 ga. Vogelbüchsen with a Wilhelm Brenneke Kipplauf Pirschbüchsen below it for comparison. The Vogelbüchsen was proofed in May 1927 and is 52 inches long with a 31 inch barrel and weighs 16.5 pounds. It has no makers name or trademark anywhere. It was brought home by Technical Sergeant Jackson “Whip” Fraser who served in Co. C of the 56th Signal Battalion of the U.S. Army from June 6, 1944 to May 8, 194

One known maker of Vogelbüchsen was Karl Bauer of Zella-Mehlis. Known rifles by him are seen with no pistol grip but a finger rest trigger guard. It’s not known if he made them both with and without pistol grips.

Click Here to read about the history of the Vogelschiesen events.