
By Larry B. Schuknecht

The Nothnagel family has deep roots in Suhl and as early as 1838 gunmakers there with that name are found.

The 1838 edition of the Bayreuter Zietung contained the following advertisement- “The gun manufacturer Stephen Nothnagel from Suhl-welcomes you with beautiful hunting guns during the Martini Fair. Stay at the Golden Grape Inn. Bayreuth, Nov. 10, 1838.”

Johann Stephen Nothnagel was born on Dec. 18, 1793 in Suhl to Johann Georg Nothnagel (Dec.9,1753-Oct. 25,1825) . He passed away in Suhl on June 17, 1865. Johann Stephen’s grandfather also named Johann Georg was born in Unterschönau and married Anna Catharina Greifelt (1712-1772) of Suhl. He was the earliest Nothnagel recorded in Suhl and passed away there on March 31, 1763. Interestingly Anna Catharina Greifelt’s parents (Johann Stephen Greifelt and Eva Elisabeth Triebel) were from two families who would later become influential and well known in the Suhl gun trade. Johann Stephen and Anna Catharina had a son Gottlieb Ferdinand Nothnagel (1859-1945) who may have followed the Gunmakers trade.

The Pape & Kellner Archive lists 14 different Nothnagels working during the first half of the 20th Century. They are-

Albert Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Meininger Straßse 131, Suhl, documented 1923.

Alfred Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Gothaer Straße 68, documented 1925.

Fanny Nothnagel, born Steigleder, Judithstraße 58, büchsenmacherei, documented 1925

Fritz Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Hügel 20, Suhl, documented 1925

Max Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Gothaer Straße 111, Suhl, documented 1925

Otto Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Mannstraße 2, Suhl. Fröhl, documented 1925

Friedrich Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Hügel 19, Suhl, documented 1913

Heinrich Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Schmückestraße 36, Suhl, documented 1913

Paul Nothnagel, Büchsenmacher, Hügel 23, Suhl, documented 1913

Otto Nothnagel, Schleusinger Straße, Büchsenmacher, documented 1913

Richard Nothnagel, Windeweg 18, Suhl, Büchsenmacher, comment- ” Büchsenmacher und Bademeister”, documented 1913.

Wilhelm Nothnagel, Hügel 23, Suhl, Büchsenmacher, documented 1913.

? Nothnagel, Spandau, Oberbüchsenmacher, OBm bei der Kgl Gewehrfabrik in Spandau, died in 1884.

Gustav Albert Nothnagel was a Gun Maker located at Gothaer Straße 78, Suhl. Click HERE to view his catalog. His business has been documented as early as 1890. He sold an extensive line of sporting guns but some may have been made by other firms.

Following are images of a side by side 12 ga. shotgun proofed in January 1928 and sold by G. A. Nothnagel of Heinrichs near Suhl.

On sept. 9, 2016 Rock Island Auctions sold a G. A. Nothnagel 12 ga. sidelock shotgun, serial no. 11315. A Slider of images of that gun follows.

Following are images of another G. A. Nothnagel sold by the Morphy Auction Co. in Oct. 2017, Lot no. 1701. It is a 16 ga. with Nazi Era proof marks. Serial no. 263.

The 1949/50 edition of the Einwohrnerbuch für den Stadt u. Landkreis Suhl contains the following listings for Nothnagels living there.

Nothnagel, Alfons, Bäcker, Rückertstraße 3

Nothnagel, Alfred, Systemmacher, J.-S.-Bach-Straße 5

Nothnagel, Anna, rentnerin, Hügel 17

Nothnagel, Emil, Laufrichter, Hügel 20

Nothnagel, Franz, Betriebsschlosser, Fröhl.-Mann-Straße 36

Nothnagel, Fritz, Stationmonteur, Judithstraße 87, Ruff 2166

Nothnagel, Gustav, Mechan., Schillingstraße 9

Nothnagel, Karl, Angestellter, Am Döllberg 9

Nothnagel, Karl, Schäfter, Am Reuetal 6

Nothnagel, Karl, Systemmacher, Gothaer Straße 86

Nothnagel, Otto, Rentner, Am Döllberg 8

Nothnagel, Otto, Fröhl.-Mann-Straße 2

Nothnagel, Paul, Rentner, Hügel 23

Nothnagel, Wilhelm, Buchhalter, Naumannstraße 5