Morgenstern, Wenzl- Weipert
Click HERE to view a Wenzl Morgenstern-Wiepert Catalog.
The following information was part of an article written by Felix Neuberger titled Vejprty/Weipert in Bohemia which appeared in the Spring 2002 issue of the Double Gun Journal.
“Wenzl Morgenstern & Sohn was founded in 1875 and located in Bahnsteig 99 and Pochhausberg 672 in 1914. After World War I the company was managed by the founder Wenzel Morgenstern (died in 1936) and his son Max Morgenstern. They were joined in 1932 by Wenzl’s grandson, Herbert Morgenstern. The company had discerning aristocratic clients in both Czechia and Germany. It employed fifteen “Meisters” for (mostly) assembly work. Parts were supplied mainly by outworkers or other companies, The specialty of the company was the over-under combo.”
From the book Das Büchsenmachergewerbe in Weipert by Miroslav Slanina we learn that Wenzl Morgenstern was born in 1850. His son Max was born on March 29,1879 and died in 1956. Wenzl’s grandson Herbert was born on June 15, 1914 and died on October 14, 2006.
The following images are courtesy of-
© Joh. Springer’s Erben Handels GmbH, Wien
The following images are of a Over-Under Shotgun made by Wenzl Morgenstern & Sohn in 1942 in 16 ga. with a 65mm chamber and 7x57R. Serial no. B972. It was sold by Johann Springer’s Erben Nov. 18, 2021 for 430 Euros, Lot no. 3414