Lebeda, A.V.- Prag

The Biography of Anton Vincenz Lebeda that follows appeared in the October 1883 edition of Der Waffenschmied and was written while his youngest son-Ferdinand was still alive and working as a gun maker and dealer.

The following is a 8 page story about Antonin Vinzenc Lebeda and is a lecture Mr. H. H. Thomas gave to the American Society of Arms Collectors

Next we have an article from the periodical Der Waffenschmied-Munich of Oct. 1884 about an exhibition gun made by Lebeda and which was observed at the 1873 Vienna World Exhibition. Before I show you the entire article, I want to introduce it with a translation of the first paragraph. 

“To equip the weapons

Visitors to the Vienna World Exhibition in 1873 will probably still remember a magnificent gun, which was exhibited in a magnificent cassette among the products of the Lebeda rifle factory, and which aroused the interest of shooters and art lovers alike with its masterful engraving and carving. The gun was a Lancaster double-barrelled shotgun; the entire decor is kept in the well-known Lebeda’s genre and every little detail in the chiseling and the carving is executed with almost anxious accuracy– so that we only have to regret that the drawing on today’s panel, which was executed from a photograph, only shows the arrangement of the Ornamentation and the figures, but by no means can even partially reproduce the type of execution.”

The auction firm of James D. Julia sold a Lebeda shotgun which follows-

The following images are courtesy & ©Joh. Sprnger’s Erben Handels GmbH, Wien

Following are images of a Boxlock Muzzle Loading gun patented by A. V. Lebeda in 1829 and produced about 1840, courtesy of the VHU PRAHA VOJENKY HITORICKY ÚSTAV PRAHA.

The following images of Lebeda guns were found in Vol. 2 of the set of books- Hand-Feuerwaffen by Jaroslav Lugs- 1956.

The following set of images are of a 16 ga. breech loading shotgun marked A. V. Lebeda on the top rib with barrels made by Ernst Heuse-Lemoine of Belgium. It was made by either Anton V. Lebeda Jr. or Ferdinand Lebada- pre 1888.