Stiegele, Carl Anton
Below is an image of Carl Anton Stiegele, the founder of the Company with his wife Gertrude and is courtesy of his great, great, great Grandson Leonid Malinowski of Russia. He related to me a family legend that after starting the company it fell upon hard times and went Bankrupt. (the Company was founded on November 19,1837 in Ingolstadt) But Gertrude sewed her Jewelry into a corset to protect them from the Creditors. The couple went to another City (They relocated and restarted the business in Munich in 1854) and re-established the business and became very successful and wealthy.

Below is an advertisement from the 1895 periodical- Der Deutsche Jager

The C. Stiegele Companies 70th Jubilee-from the 1908 Der Waffenschmied-Ludwigshafen, a google Translation.
The Royal Hofgewhrfabrik C. Stiegele, C. Stiegele, owner, C. Stiegele Sen. and C. Stiegele Jr., recently celebrated their 70th business anniversary.
The business was founded by the father, or grandfather, of the current owner on November 19, 1837 in Ingolstadt and in 1854 moved to Munich, where it was passed on to the founder’s son, Mr. C. Stiegele senior, in 1863. passed over and was run independently by him until 1900, in which year his son, Mr. C. Stiegele Jr., became a partner.
As proof of the efficiency of this company it should be mentioned that the same rifles (cabinet pieces) were delivered to His Majesty the Emperor of Russia at a price of Mk. 4500, 3600, 2400 and 1200. The world reputation that the company enjoys should be confirmed by the fact that the Bavarian court, the courts of Prussia, Württemberg, Baden and Hesse, Lippe=Schaumberg, Schleswig=Holstein, Oldenburg, Mecklenburg, Austria=Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Monaco as well as many other high royalties, and several times Mr. Fr. Krupp, have been customers.
The founder of the business was the first to set up a rifle shop in Munich and in 1854 he introduced the Lefaucheur = hunting rifles, which had been invented in Paris, to Munich from there and had them manufactured himself.
The company was the only pioneer in the introduction of breech loading target rifles, especially the 8mm caliber, and these rifles have not yet been surpassed by any other company in Germany in terms of precision.
Equally well known are the reclaimers of our own model and design, of which more than 2,500 are already in use and are universally recognized as extremely practical.
In addition, the Stiegele company owns the oldest and largest factory for the production of pressed lead bullets and Zimmerstuzen bullets, which are now an indispensable and worthwhile trading item for every arms dealer.
This company rightly deserves a place of honor among the representatives of the German weapons industry. The company has 9 awards, 16 gold and silver medals, including two large gold medals for extremely tasteful work and excellent protection of hunting rifles.
The Royal Highnesses Duke Theodore and Prince Franz of Bavaria recently honored the company with the title of Purveyor to the Court.
As we have already reported, His Highness the Prince=Regent honored Mr. C. Stiegele Sen. on January 1st this year in recognition of fine service the title of royal. Awarded by the Council of Commerce.

In the Volume nr. 13 of the1912 periodical Schuss und Waffe we found the following article about a combination Mauser rifle with a removable shotgun barrel being offered by the Stiegle firm.
The following images are from unknown sources and were found in Dietrich Apel’s collection of
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