Frühauf, Hendrik

A visit to Hendrik Fruehauf’s Studio

    By Larry B. Schuknecht

  While on the GGCA tour of Germany in 2008 my friend Dr. Peter-Josef Schmidt took Steve Fjestad and I to visit his good friend Hendrik Fruehauf. Following is a photo gallery of that visit to Hendrik and his Studio.

From the left is Steve Fjested, Hendrik and Peter-Josef Schmidt. Sadly, Steve and Peter-Josef have since passed away. If you wonder what Steve is looking at, you can see Hendrik’s puppy laying on his bed under the work bench.
Steve finally coaxed the puppy out of his bed for a photo.

Hendrik holds his Masterpiece Drilling while Peter-Josef holds the puppy.

A full side lock action in the engravers vise.

A view of Hendrik’s main bench, everything in it’s place and a place for everything

Another engraver’s vise holding a project.

Another view of the same vise and project

Another view of the main bench, a very pleasing work environment.

Steve studies the song birds in another corner of the studio.

Making friends and discussing guns.

Hendrik’s masterpiece done when he completed his apprenticeship.

A drawer of gun parts for reference in Hendrik’s

From Hendrik’s vast collection of reference material we see a J. P. Sauer factory photograph of the Masterpiece action that was donated to the Suhl Waffen Museum in 2008.

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Following is a Gallery of of Hendrik’s fabulous work, courtesy of Hendrik.

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